In Pursuit of Holiness

Consider the holiness of Christ. We need this first of all to be firmly grounded in our security in Christ. . . It is important therefore that we understand the righteousness of Christ, and the fact that His righteousness is credited to us.

On numerous occasions the Scriptures testify that Jesus during His time on earth lived a perfectly holy life. . .

But the holiness of Jesus was more than simply the absence of actual sin. It was also a perfect conformity to the will of His Father. . .

It is possible to do the right action from the wrong motive, but this does not please God. Holiness has to do with more than mere acts. Our motives must be holy, that is, arising from a desire to do something simply because it is the will of God. . .

Consider the holiness of Christ, because His life is meant to be an example of holiness for us. . .

Consider then His statement, "I always do what pleases Him." Do we dare take that as our personal goal in life? Are we truly willing to scrutinize all our activities, our goals and plans, and all of our impulsive actions in the light of this statement: "I am doing this to please God"?. . .

This is the example we are to follow. In all our thoughts, all of our actions, in every part of our character, the ruling principle that motivates and guides us should be the desire to follow Christ in doing the will of the Father. This is the high road we must follow in the pursuit of holiness.

-From The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges; part of The Inspirational Study Bible: New Century Version by Max Lucado

Do you really want to follow Christ's example by doing the will of the Father? Are you ready and willing to submit your plans, thoughts, and behavior to Him? If submitting is difficult for you in a particular area, pray specifically that God will help you.


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