Remembered Pleasures

I started this list in July of 2012 and am just now posting my final count in January of 2016. I know that if I had taken the time to write things down everyday, I would have finished the list much sooner; but at least I can say I did it! And as the C.S. Lewis quote above says, looking back and remembering these things does make the pleasure feel "full grown." God is so very good to us. Even in the smallest of things, He blesses us. This exercise has taught me to look for the good in all circumstances. Even in the darkest of days, there is always some glimmer of hope to be found. Sometimes you have to look closely to see it, but it is there. It is far too easy to get into the habit of complaining. I have come to see this as an offense against God. It is telling God you know better than Him what you need. When we see all that we have as a gift, it becomes enough. I am thankful for my heavenly Father who so graciously provides for all of our needs and sometimes blesses us beyond. I pray I can always maintain a spirit of contentment. I will continue to write down my blessings each day in my journal to help me keep up this attitude.

Thank you, Father, for  your abundant grace and provision. May your Spirit continue to teach me contentment and open my eyes to your many gifts. Amen.

976. Tailbone feeling better today

977. Ready for Bible study and Friday school

978. Productive time with Ellie cleaning out her room

979. Hubby took Ellie to volleyball

980. Shower glass got installed today

981. Kids got along better today

982. Enjoyed a fun field trip

983. Got to visit with Mom

984. Good night of worship, study and prayer

985. Lots of hugs from my girl today

986. Helpful hubby

987. Got to enjoy my new shower for the first time! Love it!

988. Got to sleep in

989. Headache went away

990. Spent the day reading and relaxing

991. Enjoyed a cozy fire

992. Good time of worship at church

993. Great message from Johnnie Moore on the persecuted church

994. The freedom to attend church, own a Bible and speak of my faith in Christ without fear of persecution

995. God’s gracious provision for all of our physical needs

996. A church with many activities for the whole family to be a part of

997. The friends we’ve made in our church family

998. The opportunities for ministry

999. A relaxing Sunday afternoon

1000. Headache went away


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