Courageous Faith

Sunday morning Gail ended with the challenge to fear not, but be courageous. She used Joshua chapter 2 to develop this talk. In this chapter, Joshua sent two spies to explore the land. They found refuge in the home of Rahab the prostitute. She hid them from the authorities and helped them to escape. Gail pointed out that it might have been a temptation for the spies to be in the home of Rahab, however, God knew what they could handle and they were able to resist any inappropriate actions. This serves as a reminder for us that God knows what we can handle. Whatever He calls us to do, He will also equip us to do. We will never be tempted beyond what we can bear.

Rahab had heard about the Israelites and what God had done. She believed that God had given the land into their hands. Rahab asked if she and her family could be spared from the destruction that was to come. Because of her belief in God and her true friendship to the spies, God did spare her and her family. As a result, Rahab became the mother of Boaz who was in the lineage of Jesus. She is a true testament to God's saving power in our lives. Her past was forgiven and she was made new. We too can be transformed.

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The spies showed courageous faith in entering the enemy's land. Rahab showed courageous faith in helping the spies. We too can show courageous faith. Just as Joshua asked, we too should ask, "What does the Lord want me to do?" (Joshua 5:14) God's instructions are clear. We are to trust Him and follow His commands.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9

 We ended the morning with the following poem and video:

God's Heart Psalm 37:1-6

I want you to stop worrying.
I want you to stop wondering what I am doing.
I want you to stop wondering why things are tough.
I want you to stop wandering away from Me, looking for other answers and lesser truths.
Stop wrestling. Stop wanting what someone else has.
Trust Me. You can trust Me.
Do good. Don't stop loving, teaching, serving. Don't stop giving. Don't stop obeying.
Dwell in the land and don't run from Me. Settle down in this life.
Settle in the ministry I have given you  right where you are right now.
Feed on my faithfulness - on Me. This is what you are hungry for.
Your fretting has depleted you - you are malnourished, dehydrated.
You need My living water.
You need Me, the living bread of life to nourish your soul; strengthen your spirit.
Open My Word. Read of My faithfulness. There is something for you on every page.
Remember the countless times I have been faithful to you in the past.
Realize My ways are above you, beyond you. My timing is different from yours.
Find your joy and delight in Me. Let it wash over you.
Let worship and praise to Me flow out of you; burst forth - 
As I give you, as you receive the true deep desires of your heart in Me and through Me.
Rest. I am your place of rest and peace. Enter into this relax in Me and wait for Me.
I'm coming again  - sooner than you think. I'm coming for you!
Nothing can keep Me from you.
Nothing can delay the day when I make you finally and fully mine!


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