Fear Not

I haven't attended a women's retreat for several years; but felt led to attend this year. The theme was "Fear Not". When I first heard the theme, I didn't really feel that it was applicable to me as I didn't feel that I was currently experiencing any fears.

I have had fears and anxieties in the past. I was rather shy and quiet in my younger years. I remember being afraid of my uncle - never speaking when he was in the room. I made myself sick at the beginning of every school year because I was so nervous entering a new classroom with a new teacher and new kids. I didn't try many things because I was afraid I wouldn't be good at it. I went through a period of anxiety when Dennis went from being a public school teacher to a teacher at a Christian school. And there was definitely worry when he was diagnosed with colon cancer and went through a year of cancer treatment. And the high medical bills and debt we were faced with was very worrisome. But I felt as if I had overcome those concerns.

As I continued thinking on this theme, however, I could see that I do have some current fears or worries. I worry where my children are concerned. I fret over whether they are learning enough as we homeschool. I worry about their relationships with the Lord - will they choose to live with and for Him? Will they learn to persevere through the difficult things that life brings? And I have this overall fear of not measuring up. I figured I had some things to work out and looked forward to what the Lord would have for me.

The retreat was not a "mountain top" experience for me, but it did serve to be a good reminder of how to keep these worries and fears at bay. I came home refreshed in body and spirit and was glad I went.

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Pastor David spoke Friday night. He taught on 2 Timothy chapter 1. Paul wrote this book to Timothy as an encouragement. He reminded Timothy that God had empowered him by His Spirit. Verse 7 reads "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." This was a reminder that our fears can be countered by God's promises.

God has given the promise of eternal life. God does not change His mind. We are cleansed through salvation. The enemy cannot keep us in bondage to our past sins because we are new creations in Christ.

We have all we need to overcome the trials, difficult circumstances and fears in this life; and most importantly we have the hope of a future where all these hard things will fade away.

This was a great beginning to the weekend!

Our theme song for the weekend was "You Make me Brave" by Amanda Cook and Bethel Music.


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