God is Faithful

May 24, 2011 Continued. . . 

I was able to see Dennis in recovery following my previous post. He was experiencing some pretty uncomfortable pain, which was not being alleviated by pain medication. Finally, they were able to make him more comfortable and he was able to rest better. 

There was also a delay in finding him a room. We were told it could be an hour or morning before he could be moved out of recovery. Thankfully, by 9 p.m. they found a private room for him. He had trouble moving from the gurney to the bed due to the muscle that was cut for the ostomy. When the RN asked him about his pain, Dennis said that as long as he didn’t move he was okay. But even sitting up to take his pain medicine hurt quite a bit.

I left him at 9:30 to try and get some sleep. He was relieved to have the surgery over with, but also very tired. Please continue to pray for his recovery. The healing of his abdominal muscle may be a bit rough on him.

I read this tonight in Beth Moore's book "To Live is Christ":  "Never underestimate the effects of intercessory prayer lifted for our deliverance. Never underestimate the effects of prayers for others. . . With great thanksgiving let's acknowledge God as the Deliverer. He can deliver anyone from anything at anytime. He doesn't need any help. Yet He invites us to be part of His great work through prayer. If we don't intercede for one another, we miss opportunities to see His deliverance and thank Him for His faithfulness. . . When we pray for one another, we share the blessings when deliverance comes because we've been personally involved. Their thanksgiving becomes our thanksgiving. . . A thankful heart is not the only result of effective intercessory prayer; our faith in what God can do in our own lives is also strengthened. . . God's glory and power does not waver from one child to the next. He can just as surely deliver you as He delivered the apostle Paul."

Thank you for joining with us in prayer through this journey. Your prayers have been felt and we have surely seen God's deliverance of Dennis from cancer and in each difficult phase of this journey. May your faith be strengthened and may you also be able to trust that Lord can deliver you from any trials that you may face in your own life whatever they may be.

Again, to God be the glory!


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