Still Hanging On!

May 23, 2011

Well, we finally made it . . .6 ½ weeks post surgery #1 and Dennis will be having surgery #2 tomorrow to reverse his ostomy. He is scheduled for surgery at noon. He is grateful for no prep this time - he just can’t eat after midnight. We would appreciate your prayers for tomorrow as well as for Dennis’ recovery. He is expected to be in the hospital until Friday.

It’s been a long, difficult journey these past six weeks. I recently read something by Beth Moore in her book “To Live is Christ” that seemed to describe our situation.

She wrote, “We sometimes feel as if we’re playing tug-of-war with God. In bitter tears we sometimes let go of the rope, tumble to the ground, and cry, ‘Have your way, God! You’re going to do what You want anyway!’ God is not playing a game. He doesn’t jerk on the rope just so He can win. In fact, He doesn’t want us to let go of the rope at all. Rather than see us drop the rope and give up, He wants us to hang on and let Him pull us over to His side. God’s will is always best even when we cannot imagine how. Surrendering to His will does not mean you lose. Ultimately, it means you win. Keep hanging on to that rope and let Him pull you over to His side. One day you’ll understand. And you’ll see His glory.”

There have been times when we were tugging on the rope, wanting our way. Then I admit I think we dropped the rope in discouragement and said, “Fine!” But finally, as we committed ourselves to being patient and persevering in Christ, we were able to pick up the rope again and allow God to pull us over to His side; allowing us to rest in His peace; trusting that His way was best. Waiting was necessary for a better future outcome for Dennis. And here we are. The last couple of weeks have gone by smoother and a bit more quickly than we expected.

So with this surgery, we feel like Dennis will finally be able to recover fully from the first surgery. After about three weeks, he will begin his last chemotherapy. But we won’t worry about that just yet; one thing at a time!

Thank you for your prayers these past weeks and for tomorrow. The enemy “would rather that we do anything than pray” (Beth Moore); so thank you for being so faithful to walk this journey with us in prayer. We have continued to feel God’s presence in the midst of the storms because of the prayers of the saints. I will let you all know how it goes tomorrow.



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