God is our Deliverer

May 31, 2011

Just wanted to share a quick update and prayer request. Dennis was allowed some pain medication last night and a spray for his throat. His surgeon came to see him today to check in on him. Basically, he said the main culprit to all of this was the large amount of pain meds he was taking once he got home. He encouraged him to do with as little as possible and to walk as much as possible. This is a hard task as Dennis is very weak and weary. His incentive is that once his system begins working, he can have the NG tube removed.

So my prayer request for him is to have the strength, energy and endurance to go without pain medication and to get up and walk and for his system to begin doing its thing!

I also wanted to thank you so much for lifting Dennis up in prayer and for all the encouraging emails and comments on Facebook. I was overwhelmed this morning that so many of you took the time to write something to us. It really helps to know we have people supporting us.

“God is the Deliverer, but we never know how He might deliver us. We see that God always fulfills His promises but not always the way we imagine . . .Praise God, He gives us what we need, not what we want.” –Beth Moore


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