Seeing the Life to Come

Although Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts" sparked my quest for joy, there have been other sources that have pointed me in the direction of counting my gifts. In reading Sally Clarkson's book "Seasons of a Mother's Heart", I found a chapter titled "Surprised by Joy". While this chapter spoke about the joys she found in homeschooling her children, the premise was that there unexpected joys to be found in everyday life if we choose to look for them.. She ends each chapter of this books with "Thoughts on the Living Word". Here is how she ended this chapter:

Eternal life does not start after we die. It is a quality of life we enjoy from the moment of rebirth. Though we cannot escape suffering in this temporal life, God's desire for us is to fully enjoy the eternal life he has given us, not just at some point in the distant future, but from the moment our spirit is regenerated with new life by the holy Spirit. He brings a freshness, vitality, and purpose to life that is impossible to experience when you are separated from the true Giver of Life. As a "new creation," you begin to see life in an entirely new way - every day is a discovery, every problem an opportunity for faith, every relationship an adventure. Without the Holy Spirit to correct our spiritual eyesight, we will be spiritually nearsighted, seeing only this life. With Him, we see the life to come. That makes all the difference. -Sally Clarkson; p. 127

This quest is changing me and changing my family. I hope we will all continue to learn to see in this new way.

251. Good food and free dessert after a long wait at the restaurant

252. Great writing from my girl

252. Fun planning surprises with kids for hubby’s birthday

253. My girl’s willingness to try something new and having a good beginning with volleyball

254. One-on-one time with my son - wants to sit in a booth so we can sit close together; playing a little hide ‘n seek in the store; playing games

255. Hubby and daughter have time together

256. Sunday morning cinnamon rolls, worship, and good teaching

257. Hubby’s birthday - his life is a real gift to us

258. Birthday rewards and coupons allowing for a yummy meal at Rainforest Café

259. Fun walking around the Disneyland hotel and the memories my hubby and I have of the place

260. Photographing our day - my favorite hobby

261. Volcanoooe! First time treat

262. Playing hubby’s new Wii game - Mario Kart together as a family

263. Labor Day - a day of little labor for me

264. Enjoying science experiments with the kids

265. Solar system projects hanging from the ceiling

266. Baking and sewing with my girl

267. Our girl praying to receive Christ - one of the BEST gifts

268. Praying with and for my hubby

269. Discipline from the Lord - He loves me enough not to leave me in my sin

270. Fellowship with other moms at the park

271. Last minute change of plans allowing cousins time to visit

272. Serving my folks

273. A big hug from my girl that she initiated

274.  Watching my girl give it her all at volleyball practice

275.  The “problem” of books being due at the library on a day when I have other things I want to do; my kids can and love to read


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