How To Live?

Religion is nothing else than doing the will of God and not our own. Heaven or hell depends on this alone.
-Susannah Wesley

Do you want real freedom? Real peace? Try living as though the only thing that keeps you going is the Word of God in your heart.
-Jesus Freaks II; p. 288

Live today as if you were going to die a martyr this evening.
 -Charles de Foucauld
Killed by Senussi rebels
Tamanrasset, Algeria

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
-Galatians 2:20

Wow! The Father is so wise and loving and good to us. No wonder people can't understand Him or what He's up to. . . He's the source, guide, and goal of everything that exists. Praise Him! . . . OK, sisters and brothers, because of all this, and using God's loving-kindness in your lives as a tool, give your whole selves back to Him. What else is there for us to do, knowing what He's done for us? Don't let the world system squeeze you into its plastic mold. Instead, bust out of it by letting God's Spirit give you a brand-new mind. Then you'll be able to live and enjoy the good and perfect life that God wants you to have.
-From Letters to Street Christians
A paraphrase of Romans 11:33, 36; 12:1-2


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