Seven Non-Negotiables of Life

Dennis Rainey has named these "the seven non-negotiables of life" - biblical benchmarks that are true simply because He is true. . . Depending on how we treat God's non-negotiables, they will either protect us or destroy us. . .

Seek God, not sin.
Seek good and not evil, that you may live. -Amos 5:14
Even when we are genuinely denying ourselves and experiencing nearness to Christ, we still know - deep down - that this never happens without a struggle. We are "prone to wander". . .This is why God steps out of eternity to tell us in His Word, "Seek good and not evil, that you may live." He is the life giver. And though our feet are indeed made of clay, our souls know that life is only found in one place - in Christ, in God, through the righteousness given to us at new birth. Seek God, not sin. And live.

Fear God, not man.
The fear of the Lord leads to life, so that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil. -Proverbs 19:23
Fearing God means we reverence Him. We set Him apart and live our lives under His watchful eyes. To be sure, He is the God of love, but He is also the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come! He is a righteous Judge who should be feared. You and I are accountable to Him for the life we live and choices we make. . . Are you preoccupied with what people think about you? Are you living your life for the grandstands of heaven or Earth? Only the fear of God is able to deliver you from the fear of man. . . "What you think about God is the most important thing you think." (A.W.Tozer) Knowing God - really knowing Him and who He is - calibrates all of life. He is the ultimate measurement because He is in control. When we see God as Creator, Maker, Redeemer, Judge, Consuming Fire, Sovereign King and the One who knows all things, we begin to practice His presence in our lives. . .He is God. He is holy. And as fervently as He is to be loved, He should also be fiercely feared. He is worthy of it. And we are in need of fearing Him.

Love God, not the world.
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. -1 John 2:15

What in the world do you love? Why not complete a year-end inventory of your heart and is affections? Just like a year-end inventory in a big warehouse, walk down the aisles of your heart and take note of what clutters the shelves. How do you use your time? What do you think about and talk about?. . .Perhaps you'll find some "old inventory" that should be moved out of your heart. Perhaps there are some habits you've developed over the years - and if you are honest, you really loves these old habits more than you love God. Things like hobbies or television - or perhaps even addictions like food, alcohol, drugs or pornography. . . Perhaps the inventory will reveal a possession that you realize owns you. It is in competition with God for you love. Perhaps it's time to clear out some inventory and replace it with some fresh obedience to God's commands. Wasn't it Jesus who said the greatest commandment was to "love the Lord your God with all your heart" (Matthew 22:37)?. . .Love God. Love His people. Love His mission and will. When you're consumed with love for Him, you won't have much room left to love the world. 

Believe God, not the deceiver.
Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. -John 8:44

All of life is a choice of who you will believe. Life is a battle between believing the truth or swallowing lies. And because the nature of our hearts is to doubt the truth and believe deceptions, it takes a deliberate effort to embrace God's truth as non-negotiable. If we don't keep our minds in the truth of the Scriptures on a daily basis, we become easy marks for our constant foe, the devil, who is both "an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14) and "the father of lies". . . So even when the Scriptures teach something you don't like, it's always the right choice to believe God anyway. It's better to know the truth that a hurricane is coming than to mistakenly think you're in the clear.

Obey God, not your appetites.
Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. -1 Corinthians 9:25

As C.S. Lewis wrote, "Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of.". . .What an incredible proposition! . .. But as with all non-negotiables, it works the other way, too. Even a trivial indulgence in lust or anger today represents the loss of territory in our hearts that the enemy can secure, giving him an inroad to launch an attack against you - an attack that otherwise would have been impossible. Each misstep offers him a stronger foothold for marshaling his counteroffensives against you, against your marriage, against your family - if not right now, then at a later time when he knows he can inflict the greatest amount of damage. . . So it is absolutely crucial that you submit your passions to Jesus Christ each day, denying yourself the temporary pleasures of sin and therefore gaining ground that can only be won through consistent, ongoing, long-term obedience. It takes a great deal of courage to say no to the appetites of the flesh, especially over time. . .Someone had said, "It is upon the little hinges of obedience that the door of opportunity swings." God wants to open those "doors" for us. The question is: Will we be obedient?
Serve God, not self.
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,"Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

The Bible exhorts us to become "slaves" or "bond-servants" of Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 6:6, Acts 16:17; 2 Corinthians 4:5). We are all slaves of some master. If that master is sin, we will be enslaved to evil. If that master is self, we will be in bondage to our pride. It is Jesus Christ who gives us the power to break free from these masters and find life in Him as our true Master. . .Serve God, not self. When He is Lord, you have the best Master on Earth.

Worship God, not comfort.
Though He slay me, I will hope in Him -Job 13:15

You may be in the midst of a true season of pain. Perhpas this season has lingered and has now become two seasons. Perhaps you've looked for comfort but haven't found much. Maybe your heart aches and feels empty. Has your lack of comfort dried up your words of worship? Has the loss of ease emptied your heart of gratitude?. . It may be that the most important thing you could do is also one of the most unnatural things you could ever imagine doing: Giving thanks to God, praising and worshiping Him. Regardless of your circumstances. . .Worship in its truest form ascribes and acknowledges that the truth is about God. Worship reminds us of who He is and who we aren't. He alone is God. He is in control. He is the just God, the compassionate and loving God. He knows everything. He knows our condition. . . .God-centered worship ultimately comforts us because it reminds us of the truth about life. It brings hope. . .  When life seems most uncomfortable, worship God.

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 
Matthew 6:33

We know in our heads that we should put God first and ourselves last. What we're not always sure about, though, is how to apply that theoretical truth in real life - during a routine business meeting or a normal Thursday afternoon or an encounter with a child.

That's what these seven simple action points are all about. When every intersection of life begins with an eye toward God - the way each of the statements in this does - our lives begin to more closely resemble our professed beliefs.

Discover how these seven points apply to the choices you make in the course of an average day. They'll help you not just remember your need to put God first, but also see how to do it.

Excerpted from Moments With You by Dennis and Barbara Rainey

Father God, help my life to more closely resemble the Truth that I believe.


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