Truths About Children
From Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. . . Taken from the chapter "Lies Women Believe About Children". . . "The Truth is, our task is not to rear children who can "fit in" or merely "survive" in this world. The challenge is to bring up children who love God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength; who have a vibrant, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus; and whose lives will be bright and shining lights penetrating the darkness around them. Christian parents ought to be seeking to raise up not just "good" children, but children who enthusiastically embrace the Truth, children who love righteousness and hate evil, children who will be used by God to change this world. " (p. 173) ". . . 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom' and the best preparation for life is to be trained for the Truth of God's Word as it relates to every academic discipline. " (p. 174) "We are not to...