Truths About Marriage

From Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. . .

Taken from the chapter "Lies Women Believe About Marriage". . .

"The Truth is that the ultimate purpose of marriage is not to make us happy, but to glorify God." (p. 137)

"Blessing and joy are the fruit of seeking to be a giver rather than a taker and of looking for ways to bless, serve, and to minister to the needs of our families." (p. 143)

The Liberating Truth About Submission

"God intended that authority should be a means of providing spiritual covering and protection. When we place ourselves under the spiritual covering of the authorities God has placed in our lives, God protects us. . . There are extreme situations where an obedient wife may need to remove herself and/or her children from proximity to her husband, if to remain in that setting would be to place themselves in physical danger. . . The fundamental issue in relation to submission really comes down to my willingness to trust God and to place myself under His authority. When I am willing to obey Him, I find it is not nearly so difficult or threatening to submit to the human authorities He has placed in my life." (pp. 148-149)

Excerpt from The True Woman, Susan Hunt. . .

"I cannot give logical arguments for submission. It defies logic that Jesus would release all the glories of heaven so He could give us the glory of heaven. Submission is not about logic; it is about love.

Jesus loved us so much that He voluntarily submitted to death on a cross. His command is that wives are to submit to their husbands. It is a gift we voluntarily give to the man we have vowed to love in obedience to the Savior we love. . . 

God said that man needs a helper. The true woman celebrates this calling and becomes affirming rather than adversarial, compassionate rather than controlling, a partner rather than a protagonist. She becomes substantively rather than superficially submissive.

The true woman is not afraid to place herself in a position of submission. She does not have to grasp; she does not have to control. Her fear dissolves in the light of God's covenant promise to be her God and to live within her. Submission is simply a demonstration of her confidence in the sovereign power of the Lord God. Submission is a reflection of her redemption." (pp. 150-151 in LWB)

"To nurse the offense, rather than choosing to forgive and release it, is to become  vulnerable to deception that grows bigger and stronger with the passing of time. (p. 157)

"Forgiveness is the only way to receive God's best" (p. 160)

"A godly life and prayer are a wife's two greatest means of influencing her husband's life." (p. 141; 162)


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