Loving God

The critical question for our generation - and for every generation - is this: If you could have heaven, with no sickness, and with all the friends you ever had on earth, and all the food you ever liked, and all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed, and all the natural beauties you ever saw, all the physical pleasures you ever tasted, and no human conflict or natural disasters, could you be satisfied with heaven, if Christ was not there? -God is the Gospel; John Piper

"If you are deeply in love with God, . . . you know you could never be satisfied in a heaven without Christ." (p. 101)

"Is loving God - and, by extension, loving people - what you are about? Is is what being a Christian means to you? Do you live as though faith, demonstrated through love, really is the only thing that counts?" (p. 102)

"When you are running toward Christ, you are freed up to serve, love, and give thanks without guilt, worry, or fear. . . As we begin to focus more on Christ, loving Him and others becomes more natural. As long as we are pursuing Him, we are satisfied in Him. It is when we stop actively loving Him that we find ourselves restless and gravitating toward other means of fulfillment." (p. 104)

"Life isn't perfect when you follow Christ wholeheartedly; you will have trouble, Jesus says - it is pretty much guaranteed. But He has overcome the world. So take heart, keep on, fight the good fight, pray continuously, and do not grow weary. There is nothing better than giving up everything and stepping into a passionate love relationship with God, the God of the universe who made galaxies, leaves, laughter, and me and you." (p. 106)

"The promise that our troubles are 'achieving for us an eternal glory' seems hard to believe in the midst of the mess. It sounds trite to say that our struggles on this earth are 'light and momentary,' as Paul wrote, doesn't it? Mine don't feel that way. At times they threaten to engulf the rest of my life. Yet God tells us that we are getting the better end of the deal, that we really will be rewarded in a manner that far outweighs our current frustrations and hardships." (p. 108)

"When we sacrifice, give, and even suffer, we can rejoice because we know that God rewards us. . . The Bible says that when we obey God's commands, we benefit. I think we naturally assume that if we look for our own interests and concerns, we will be happy. But people who sacrifice for others will tell you that seasons of giving are the most rewarding of their lives. . . People generally find greater joy in giving freely to others than they do in rampant self-indulgence." (p. 109)

"When we are focused on loving Christ, it doesn't mean we do less. . . When we work for Christ out of obligation, it feels like work. But when we truly love Christ, our work is a manifestation of that love, and it feels like love." (p. 110)

"Jesus, I need to give myself up. I am not strong enough to love You and walk with You on my own. I can't do it, and I need You. I need You deeply and desperately. I believe You are worth it, that You are better than anything else I could have in this life or the next. I want You. And when I don't, I want to want You. Be all in me. Have your way with me." (p.111)

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