Lukewarm Faith is Useless

Francis Chan's Crazy Love Chapter 4

"It is not scientific doubt,  not atheism, not pantheism, not agnosticism, that in our day and in this land is likely to quench the light of the gospel. It is a proud, sensuous, selfish, luxurious, church-going, hollow-hearted prosperity." -Frederic D. Huntington, Forum magazine, 1890

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. -Matthew 13:44

"In this account, the man joyfully sold all that he had so that he could obtain the only thing that mattered. He knew that what he had stumbled upon - the kingdom of heaven - was more valuable than anything he had, so he went for it with everything in him. This kind of enthusiastic response to God's love is entirely appropriate. Yet what a contrast to our typical response at discovering the same treasure!" (p. 66)

"Do not assume you are good soil. . . Thorns are anything that distracts us from God. When we want God and a bunch of other stuff, then that means we have thorns in our soil. A relationship with God simply cannot grow when money, sins, activities, favorite sports teams, addictions, or commitments are piled on top of it." (p. 67)

"Has your relationship with God actually changed the way you live? . . . Or are you choking it out slowly by spending too much time, energy, money, and thought on the things of this world?" (p. 67)

"Would you describe yourself as totally in love with Jesus Christ? Or do the words halfhearted, lukewarm, and partially committed fit better? The Bible says to test ourselves. . . " (p. 68)

*Lukewarm People attend church fairly regularly. (Isaiah 29:13) (p. 69)

*Lukewarm People give money to charity and to the church. . . as long as it doesn't impinge on their standard of living. (1 Chronicles 21:24; Luke 21:1-4) (p. 69)

*Lukewarm People tend to choose what is popular over what is right when they are in conflict. (Luke 6:26; Revelation 3:1; Matthew 25:3-7) (pp. 69-70)

*Lukewarm People don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin. (John 10:10; Romans 6:1-2) (p. 70)

*Lukewarm People are moved by stories about people who do radical things for Christ, yet they do not act. (James 1:22; James 4:17; Matthew 21:28-31) (p. 71)

*Lukewarm People rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers, or friends. (Matthew 10:32-33) (p. 71)

*Lukewarm People gauge their morality or "goodness" by comparing themselves to the secular world. (Luke 18:11-12) (p. 72)

*Lukewarm People say they love Jesus, and He is, indeed, a part of their lives. But only a part. (Luke 9:57-62) (p. 72)

*Lukewarm People love God, but they do not love Him with all their heart, soul, and strength. (Matthew 22:37-38) (p. 73)

*Lukewarm People love others but do not seek to love others as much as they love themselves. (Matthew 5:43-47; Luke 14:12-14) (pp. 73-74)

*Lukewarm People will serve God and others, but there are limits to how far they will go or how much time, money, and energy they are willing to give. (Luke 18:21-25) (p. 74)

*Lukewarm People think about life on earth much more often than eternity in heaven. (Philippians 3:18-20; Colossians 3:2) (p. 75)

*Lukewarm People are thankful for their luxuries and comforts, and rarely consider trying to give as much as possible to the poor. (Matthew 25:34, 40; Isaiah 58:6-7) (pp. 75-76)

*Lukewarm People do whatever is necessary to keep themselves from feeling too guilty. (1 Chronicles 29:14; Matthew 13:44-46) (pp. 76-77)

*Lukewarm People are continually concerned with playing it safe; they are slaves to the god of control. (1 Timothy 6:17-18; Matthew 10:28) (p. 77)

*Lukewarm People feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age twelve, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican, or live in America. (Matthew 7:21; Amos 6:1) (p. 78)

*Lukewarm People do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to. (Luke 12:16-21; Hebrews 11) (pp. 78-79)

*Lukewarm People probably drink and swear less than average, but besides that, they really aren't very different from your typical unbeliever. (Matthew 23:25-28) (p. 79)

"There is a difference between a life that is characterized by these sorts of mentalities and habits and a life that is in the process of being radically transformed. . . Jesus didn't say that if you wanted to follow Him you could do it in a lukewarm manner. He said, 'Take up your cross and follow me.'" (p. 81)

"Lukewarm, halfhearted following is useless. . . It sickens our souls. . . Lukewarm and uncommitted faith is completely useless." (p. 81) 

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