From Captivity to Freedom

A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for him or her.

Pride can lead to captivity (Jeremiah 13:15-17). . .  Pride will be an obstacle every believer must face on the freedom trail. . .  To be free in Christ, our high places will have to fall. We must be willing to take a stand against idolatry.

We have a crippling tendency to forget what God has done for us. For a while, we're humbled. Then, if we do not guard our hearts and minds, we begin to think we must have done something right for God to have been so good to us. Therein lies another road to captivity. It is the road to legalism. . . We may be afraid to ask God on a daily basis to keep us humble because humility involves discomfort. We may have to suffer some embarrassment, even some failure. Why are we not far more frightened of what pride can do? Pride can cost us - and probably those after us.

Pride, idolatry, unbelief, legalism, these will prove obstacles we too must confront.

-Breaking Free pp.2, 11-17; Beth Moore

This song made me think of the things that can be strongholds in our life and how we need to lay them down.

Letting go of my pride. . . giving up all my rights. . . take this life and let it shine. . . it will be my joy to say Your will. . . Your Way. . . 


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