I Will Be Happy When. . .

We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased. -C.S. Lewis (p. 48)

I will be happy when. . .  And I filled in the blanks with a list of events I had built up in my mind, which I was certain would fulfill my life. . . The list marched subconsciously through my mind each day of my discontent. And with each passing day, my dissatisfaction and expectations grew. . . I didn't realize that I mistakenly believed I needed these things to be happy because I was basing my experience on worldly temporal values. . . 

Finally, I came to the end of myself. At some point in life, it dawned on me that this is the "broken place." Earth is the temporary place where Satan rules and where all people are sinful and subject to the disappointments of a fallen world, to the longings that come from being separated from God. I can picture ideals and dream of the life for which I was created, but Jesus never promised I would experience ultimate fulfillment in this world. . . I realized that if i didn't build my foundations on eternal realities, I would never be content. (pp. 49-50)

Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit; it comes not from outside circumstances but from within ourselves as we learn to appreciate the values of God's kingdom. (pp. 51-52)

(Often we reach for all the things we think will bring us joy) instead of reaching for the true source of joy - God Himself. Psalm 16:11 says, "In Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever." I needed to reach for the One who created joy in order that I might be truly fulfilled and at peace. (p. 55)

All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Hebrews 12:11 (p. 56)

God's discipline and training is for our good. . . Part of the journey toward joy is sorrow. . . "Yet to those who have been trained by it (discipline), afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." . . . From training comes a more mature character and the joy that I seek. (p. 57)

Most often, depression comes from disappointed expectation. . . "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. . . for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:19-21). Our heart will not, cannot, be with God if it is focused on seeking happiness apart from him. (pp. 58-59)

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you that you have my best in mind when you direct my life in difficult places. Open the eyes of my heart that I may see your love in the midst of my own suffering. Help me to see clearly the blessings that you have brought from these lessons in the past. I want to relinquish all of the earthly things I have been depending on for my joy, and I ask you to fill me with the joy that comes from holding your hand and knowing you are with me every step of my life. In Jesus' name I come to you. Amen. (p. 64)

-From Dancing with My Father; Sally Clarkson

Halfway to 1,000

476. A “love note” from my son: “You’re the BEST mom”

477. My son completing an assignment without being asked or expected to

478. My parents for coming over to stay with the kids

479. Great report from the Dr.; that my health has been sustained so that I can care for the needs of my family

480. God’s provision - for the necessities and sometimes for the “extras”

481. Hugs from my girl

482. The fun of watching a favorite show with my hubby

483. Familiar schedule for my hubby this year which means less work/stress

484. Increased sick time for hubby

485. The cat came back. . . This really is a good thing!

486. Worship music

487. A free treat from the library

488. Books, books, and more books!

489. Family dinner

490. God’s creation. . . How He caused all things to work together. . . No wonder He called it good!

491. Kids being creative together

492. Friends

493. Funds for groceries

494. A nap

495. Learning and growing through God’s Word

496. Seeing my guy having fun

497. Hugs and kisses from my girl

498. A really fun show

499. Papa John’s pizza

500. God’s continued faithfulness


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