Truths from Isaiah 61:1-4

Although we need to be saved from eternal separation from God only once, Christ continues His saving work in us for the rest of our lives.

In Isaiah 61:1-4, Beth Moore points out the following truths:

1) God hears the cry of the oppressed. He even hears the cries of those whose oppression is a result of sin and rebellion.

2) God fulfills these verses in Christ alone. Christ set us free by the power of His Spirit; then He maintains our freedom as we learn to live from day-to-day in the power of His free Spirit.

3) Christ's ministry is a ministry of the heart.

Like Beth Moore, I often think of the unsaved as being in bondage to something. But my eyes are being opened to the fact that even the saved can be in bondage; that I remain in bondage in some areas.  As she writes, "a Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for him or her." I know that I desire to live an abundant and effective Spirit-filled life that glorifies God. Thank goodness God doesn't abandon us in our sin.

Beth Moore writes that:

*Christ came to set the captive free - no matter what kind of yoke binds them.

*He came to bind up the brokenhearted - no matter what broke the heart.

*He came to open the eyes of the blind - no matter what veiled their vision.

Continuing to read with open eyes.

-"Breaking Free" pp. 18-22; Beth Moore


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