How to Live Beyond the Limits

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I finished reading Franklin Graham's book "Living Beyond the Limits". I wrote about the introduction and first chapter here. I truly felt like I was reading a spy novel. Franklin Graham has been to some very dangerous places and seen a lot of "action" both by man and God. As I finished reading each chapter, I wrote down what I learned about how to live beyond the limits in sync with God. The stories that go along with each of these points are worth reading; so I highly recommend reading the book in its entirety.

Chapter 1 - If we want to be used by God; we have to trust ourselves to His care and say, "Let's go". . . . We can live beyond the limits of fear by trusting the Lord and giving Him room to work even when the road seems uncertain and is laden with devastating possibilities.

Chapter 2 - To live a life beyond the limits, we must learn to be courageous when dealing with those who are steeped in worldly lifestyles.

Chapter 3 - Use the gifts God has given and be willing to give it a go. God will do the rest. . . Availability means being willing to start where you are; use what you have, and do the best you can.

Chapter 4 - We must be willing to act decisively when opportunities come, even when that means reaching out to our enemy. . . look for your enemy and treat him like your friend.

Chapter 5 - As Christians we are called to a higher standard. . . We are called to live in such a way that no one can find fault with our lives as we walk with Christ.

Chapter 6 - Live beyond the limits of biased feelings. . . Use everything God has allowed in your life to live beyond what you thought was possible.

Chapters 7 and 8 - To go beyond the limits we must reach out in love in Christ's name. The only way we will ever truly live a life beyond human limits is when we come into a full and right relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ.

Chapter 9 - If you've fallen, you can get back in sync with God and live beyond the limits. . . God will forgive you if you're willing to call upon His name.

Chapter 10 - When you sin, don't excuse it. . . Accept responsibility and ask God's forgiveness and begin anew.

Chapter 11 - To live beyond the limits we must surround ourselves with wise and honest counsel.

Chapter 12 - The key to living life beyond the limits is to serve God in whatever situation He has called you.

Chapter 13 - If we are obedient, God will allow us to walk with Him and He'll lead us down roads, through valleys, over mountains, and into experiences that we could never have dreamed possible.

Chapter 14 - To walk in sync with God, we need the right foundation. To walk with God for eternity, step out on a firm foundation, Jesus Christ.

Chapter 15 - Be sure to take the right steps now to see that your walk is completely in sync with God. . . We should live with the expectancy of Christ's return.

"Many of you are not ready. . . You haven't walked with God in the past and you're not walking with Him now. Your life is totally, 100 percent out of step with God. You have been living for yourself, for what you can get, for what you can gain. The Bible asks, what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world yet loose his soul? Where's your soul going to spend eternity? Heaven or hell? God is going to win in your life in the end, whether you like it or not. It's either heaven or hell. You have to make the choice."

How are we to live? Jesus tells us that the "'faithful and wise servant' is the one who is living a life of expectancy, doing those things that His Master has told Him to do - walking in sync with God. What are those things? They're the things that touch the heart of God: sharing the Gospel, confronting sin, feeding the hungry and managing the resources God has given us or attending to the sick. Jesus has called ahead warning that a quick turn is coming. Are you ready?"

Chapter 16 - If we truly want to live life beyond the limits, we need. . .faith. Faith leads to action. . . Faith is the power that God gives us to break out of our human limitations and become the people He created us to be. Use this power to. . . experience the joy of living in sync with Him.

Chapter 17 - You have to be willing to turn from your sin, which is repentance, and ask God's forgiveness and by faith believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and that on the third day God raised Him from the grave. If you do this, you will receive God's forgiveness and eternal life. Then, and only then, will you experience life beyond the limits."

"Read and study the Bible, God's Word. Obey Him and watch Him take you beyond the limits of this world and into a life fully in sync with God."


  1. Thanks for the recap. I can't wait to read it and see what God shows me!


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