Walk Circumspectly

Walk Circumspectly
Oct. 30, 2010

June Hesterly spoke at the CCCV women's conference back in 2010. She spoke on Ephesians 5:15 - Be careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise.

She reminded us that as followers of Christ we are now seated with Christ in the heavenlies; we have all spiritual blessings; peace that passes all understanding; and are sealed with the spirit.

The Israelites were warned not to become like their captors, but they did. We are not to become like the world, but to stand out and make a difference. June asked the question: Do people in your life KNOW that you are a committed Christian?

Often things in life become hard and when we choose not to go to the Lord, then things begin to seem impossible. Gradually we become complacent like the church of Laodicea. This leads to compromising our lifestyle. In turn we begin to conform to the world.

To avoid this, we need to remain in the Word, prayer and in fellowship with other believers. When there are areas of our life that need correction, God will bring people and circumstances to point them out. Then we are to recognize our sin; repent; renew our commitment; and return to the good path.


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