Redeeming the Time

Redeeming the Time
Oct. 30, 2010

Sandy MacIntosh spoke on how we are to live until Christ returns. We are told that Jesus will return unexpectedly, but that it will be soon. We are to represent Him until He comes again.

He has given us a "to do" list (the Bible) of how we are to live. Some of the things she mentioned: be bold - not just comfortably blending in; love Christ above all others; be alert; seek the Lord- study God's word; live His word; speak out for righteousness; pray; don't settle for a mediocre Christian walk; sing praises; when God tells us to stop! in our sin, turn around and go back to Him.

God is the God who sees us. In fact, He sees us as if we are the only ones here. She asked us to consider how we are redeeming the time until Christ returns. And when will you be ready to be totally and fully His? Don't wait for another day.


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