The God-Drenched Mind

Glory Days
Joshua 14:6-15

All people have problems. But not all people see problems the same way. Caleb faced his problems with faith. While the ten other spies were too afraid to take the land of Canaan, Caleb, along with Joshua, believed they could. God said of Caleb, "My servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly." (Numbers 14:24)

Caleb "wholly followed the Lord." His mind was centered on the Lord. Promised Land people do not deny the presence of problems, but they immerse their minds in God-thoughts. Make a deliberate decision to keep your thoughts on God. (Colossians 3:2)

Turn a deaf ear to doubters. Caleb chose to ignore the ten doubters. He filled his mind with faith.

Caleb lived with a highter call. He desired to have the land of Hebron to take care of it. Do you have a holy cause? A faith worth preserving? A mission worth living for? In the kingdom of Christ we gain by giving, not taking. We advance by serving, not demanding.

Face your problems by: One, immersing your mind in God-thoughts; Two, turning a deaf ear to doubters; and Three, setting your mind on a holy cause.

-From Glory Days by Max Lucado; chapter 14


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