Walk Circles Around Jericho

Glory Days
Joshua 6

Mighty Jericho crumbled. Joshua didn't bring the walls down. God did that for them. God will do that for you. Your Jericho is your fear, anger, bitterness, prejudice, insecurity about the future, guilt about the past, negativity, anxiety, proclivity to criticize, overanalyze, or compartmentalize. Your Jericho is any attitude or mind-set that keeps you from joy, peace or rest. . . To live in the Promised Land, you must face your Jericho. It's not always easy. Satan must be moved off before the saint can move in. He will resist. But Satan has no authority over you. . .

God's word to Joshua is God's word to us: "Be strong and of good courage." (v. 6) Take the land God has given you to possess. . . You are a coheir with Christ. Every attribute of Jesus is at your disposal. The question is not will you overcome? It is, when will you overcome? Life will always bring challenges. But God will always give strength to face them. . .

Live out your inheritance, not your circumstance. . . God commanded the Israelites to march around the walls of Jericho. The priests would blow their trumpets. The army was to remain silent. This was spiritual warfare. Every battle, ultimately, is a spiritual battle. Just as Jericho was a stronghold in Canann, we have strongholds in our lives. A stronghold is an argument or high thing that "exalts itself against the knowledge of God." Also described as imaginations, pretension and lofty opinion. It is a false promise that denies God's promise. . .

We long to see our strongholds demolished. We do this by keeping God in the center. The ark was in the middle of the procession at Jericho. We use the weaons of worship, Scripture and prayer. March like a Promised Land conqueror. As you do, the demons will scatter. (Psalm 25:5). . .

Keep walking. For all you know this may be the day the walls come down. You may be only steps from a moment like this. ". . .The wall fell down flat. Then the people took the city." (Joshua 15-16, 20)

-From Glory Days by Max Lucado; chapter 8


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