Call on Your Commander

Glory Days
Joshua 5:13-15

Joshua was near Jericho (Joshua 5:13). Perhaps you are facing a challenge unlike any you have ever faced before. It sits between you and a Promised Land. . . Like Joshua, you don't have to face your Jericho alone (Joshua 5:13-15). The guest was Jesus Himself, the "Commander of the army of the Lord." . . The Lord's army is made up of God's angels. Their presence is a Promised Land perk. All God's chidlren can be sure of God's angels. Joshua, like you, needed the reminder of God's presence. You will never face a Jericho alone (Ephesians 1:22; Hebrews 1:3). All authority has been given to him. His presence is part of our inheritance. God comes to his people. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) We must look up (Psalm 121:1-2) "We are never so strong or mighty that we do not need to worship. Worship-less people have no power greater than themselves to call on. The worship-less heart faces Jericho all alone." . . ."Jericho may be strong. But Jesus is stronger. Let Him be your strength."

-From Glory Days by Max Lucado; chapter 7


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