A Cup Filled by the Lord

"No one is more pleasurable to be around than a person who has had her cup filled by the Lord Jesus Christ." - Beth Moore

One way to be filled by the Lord is to count His gifts in my daily life. May I be a pleasure to be around as I share with others the gifts of Christ to me.

376. Having a hubby who helps out when he’s home - like making lunch for everyone and vacuuming

377. Our girl receiving the Most Christlike Award for volleyball

378. Enjoyable afternoon at the park

379. A full school day with lots accomplished

380. Our kids’ friends

381. Final volleyball game - an exciting one; our girl played really well

382. Seeing our girl give her best in spite of her disappointment

383. Kids getting along really well

384. Hubby’s job

385. Fun memories of my last vacation with my parents and brother

386. Hosting Thanksgiving Day

387. Nice day with the Henry family

388. Celebrating our girl turning 10! What a tremendous gift she is to us

389. Our girl happy with her cousin birthday party

390. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

391. God’s Word and its timely message

392. Finally accomplishing some much needed chores

393. Our parents willingness and ability to help

394. Some much needed quiet time today

395. Bedtime for the kiddos . . . Sometimes mom is worn out!

396. Hubby helping out with bedtime

397. Hubby and kids laughing together while watching a movie

398. Brother volunteering to help sister take her things upstairs

399. “I love you, Mom.”

400. Beautiful winter weather - blue skies, white clouds, bright sun


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