Our Thought Lives

"Working on our thought lives is the only thing that will keep them from working on us." - Beth Moore

Philippians 4:8-9 tells us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. When we focus on these things, we keep the enemy from deceiving us and leading our minds astray. Counting our gifts is a way to keep our minds focused on the things of God - His provision and grace for us.

351. Kids excitement over Friday school activities

352. The comfort of home

353. Seeing our girl play an amazing game of volleyball! She rocked!

354. A simple errand allowing for some one-on-one time with my girl; hubby taking our guy out for some frostys and buddy time

355. Quiet family time on a warm Sunday afternoon in November

356. That I am able to direct my children’s education; to choose their course of study; to go at their pace; to teach them from a Biblical worldview

357. The freedom to vote

358. Knowing that God, the King of Kings, is in control no matter who the President is

359. Tuesday night outing as a family

360. Hubby’s dedication to his job - always desiring to do his best to teach his students

361. Visiting with my grandma

362. Being able to comfort my son after a “creepy” dream

363. My health

364. Talking with my mom-in-law

365. God’s work of forgiveness in my life

366. Rain!!!

367. Hubby home safely in rain

368. Beautiful skies

369. Relaxing in the afternoon with the kids

370. Amazing volleyball game - Ellie played her best game yet

371. Cozy family evening with a fire

372. Our church

373. The men and women who faithfully serve our country and sacrifice for our freedoms

374. The prayers of my aunt and her influence on my life for Christ

375. Having my hubby home on a Monday


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