Let the Revolution Begin!

With the new year has come new reading material. One of the new books I decided to read is "Jesus Freaks - Revolutionaries" by dc Talk. I thought the first one was very good; it challenged me to seek a deeper personal relationship with Christ as well as to live "out loud" more as an example of Christ to others. My first reading of this new book last night already caused a stirring in my heart and I am excited to get into it further.

The first quote that jumped out at me was "Jesus came to comfort the afflicted, but He also came to afflict the comfortable." The question was asked, "are we too comfortable in our lifestyle to truly be following Christ?"

I thought about our work. Why do we choose the work that we do? Yes, we need to earn a living, but are the numbers to the left of the decimal point the soul driving force in our choice? Is this work honest? Is it for a company that conducts business in line with Scripture? Do you believe in the product being sold - do you buy/use it or would you want your children to? Is the work taking us away from church, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers? This is an area we have had to grow in for sure. We are far from the level of comfort we once had. But I have great respect for my husband for choosing to follow Christ in his work. There are many who have so much less than we do, we have no room for complaint.

Then there are ministry opportunities. Are we saying, "no" to ministry opportunities because it would take time away from what we want to do or it would require us to do something outside our comfort zone? As a very young believer, I had no desire to ever go on a mission's trip out of fear and likely discomfort. Gradually, the Lord has softened my heart and I believe I would be willing to travel somewhere to serve. I've even thought it would be wonderful to do this with my daughter one day. I have come to learn that if God calls you to something, He will equip you to do it. The blessings of serving others are far more fulfilling than just doing what we want to make ourselves happy and comfortable. We need to prayerfully consider all opportunities and not be afraid to say, "yes" just because it's challenging. Which leads into the next important thought from the book.

In Acts 17:6-7, Paul and Silas were accused of causing trouble all over the world; of "turning the world upside down". To the religious leaders in Paul's time, what was being taught about Jesus was revolutionary because it challenged their very way of life. They were confronted with their sin and came face-to-face with the depravity of their lives. So it is today; "it is easy to forget that the Christless values and religions of the world are upside-down. They will not lead us to eternity." The message of the cross is still rejected and ridiculed today for the same reasons. Many still don't want to admit their sin and need for a Savior. And sadly, many who call themselves Christians don't want to fully submit their lives to Christ by living for Him instead of their own comfort. We can put our talents and energies into many things that bring personal gain. But why are we not using those same gifts to reach others for Christ? We are to be storing up treasures in heaven, not just trying to pad our bank accounts or live a life of ease. 

"If those who say they know the Truth - that they know Jesus - don't share Him, do they really know the Truth? Those who know Him can't deny Him. Knowing Him is just too life-altering to go long without talking about Him." I came across a similar quote by Charles H. Spurgeon that said, "have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that." This hits me deepest as a parent. My kids may do many wonderful things in their lifetime; but no matter how successful they are by the world's standards, if they are doing it without Christ in their lives and without a desire to glorify God, then there will be a sorrow in my heart. I may have the opportunity to share Christ in far away places, but in the meantime I have a sphere of influence here at home, among my family, amidst social media contacts, and in the community. My prayer is to be an example of the Truth that is in me in these places. May God prepare the soil of the hearts of those I come into contact with and may I boldly speak His Truth and plant seeds of faith.

I don't want to be comfortable. I want to be counted among those who turn the world upside-down for Jesus. I want to be a revolutionary!


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