Am I Too Comfortable?

“Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God”— Romans 1:1

I've been reading quite a bit since the New Year began. From different sources, I've read about sacrificing for others in my daily life, enduring trials of various kinds, and being bold in sharing my faith. But what I keep coming back to is what I read first from "Jesus Freaks II":  "Are we too comfortable in our lifestyle to truly be following Christ?" (p. 5)

A few days ago I read a post on Ann Voskamp's blog written by Liz Curtis Higgs. She was expounding on Romans 1:1. Her discussion of Paul was another thing that has stuck with me. Liz talked about how the name Paul meant small and humble; and that Paul went on to further describe himself as a servant, slave and prisoner. He willingly accepted trials and persecutions of every kind for the sake of Christ. She then wrote, "this is the awful truth: I pray to be Christ-like, when I’m not even willing to be Paul-like."

Oswald Chambers wrote in "My Utmost for His Highest", "continually bring the truth out into your real life, working it out into every area, or else the light that you possess will itself prove to be a curse. . .  Every detail of your life, whether physical, moral, or spiritual, is to be judged and measured by the standard of the antonement by the Cross of Christ." (August 27)

Truly, my greatest desire is to glorify the Lord with my life - in action, word and deed. As I've considered my life these past couple of weeks, I am beginning to wonder if I am making excuses for some things out of fear, laziness or comfort or if I really am living according to the Lord's desires for me at this time. I see that there is more I can do in some areas, but the question I am asking myself is, does God want me to? I am challenged to bring each area before the Lord to seek His will; and to wait for His reply by either open doors or a peaceful heart about the way things stand. May I be obedient when called and humble when told to remain.


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