On Faith. . .

"Faith uses as much wisdom as it has to accomplish the task at hand and then it lets God step in as He wills. It is unafraid to obey God even when that obedience would seem foolhardy. It is something that comes from a real relationship with God where we listen to Him more than we ask Him for things. It is the adventure of doing whatever God tells us to do without fear. Is there really any other way to live?"
-Jesus Freaks - Revolutionaries; by dc Talk; p. 46

"What may be a failure in our eyes is seldom one in God's eyes." 

Be not afraid, only believe. -Mark 5:36 (KJV)
-Jesus Freaks- Revolutionaries; by dc Talk; p. 48

"God didn't call us to be successful, just faithful." - Mother Teresa

"It is not my ability, but my response to God's ability that counts." 
- Corrie Ten Boom
-Jesus Freaks - Revolutionaries; by dc Talk; p. 49


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