Seeing God in the Little Things

"Life gets tedious; tedious is trying. If we're not careful, the repetitive tasks that fill our days can drain our spirits."

"In the Bible, it's easier to see God in parting seas and miraculous healings than in the long journeys, heart-hardening waiting, and daily grind of shepherding. But we know his purposes were at work there too."

"Most of life is decidedly not like a trip to Disney World. It's more waiting in a hot queue than the rush of a ride. But what do we do in the queue? The idea here is not to compare our days, but to realize that if we are too busy grumbling, or so focused forward on the next holiday or family visit, we won't be able to serve and see God today in whatever numbing tasks lay before us. He's there."

"And we are of value to God right now, in the plainness of today."

"That means digging deep and doing what we do, 'whatever you do. . . for the glory of God' (1 Corinthians 10:31)." 

"'Glory,' one of the most common words in Scripture, is translated as 'weight' in Hebrew. Even in lowly, repeated tasks like changing a diaper or scraping dried bananas off high chair straps, we can give God weight in the matter and realize both our children and the privilege of being a mom are gifts, manifestations of his goodness."

"As John the Baptist said, 'He must increase, but I must decrease' (John 3:30 KJV). Even in the little things, God can be big."

-"Always There"; Susan Besze Wallace; pp. 32-33


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