Living Out Loud as a 40-Something

So today I turned 41 - I'm an official "40-something". I had the opportunity to spend some time alone today while driving to meet my grandma and mom for lunch. I was thinking about this past year and all the things that have had an impact on me.

I've read some really great books:

"Jesus Freaks" by Voice of the Martyrs and dc Talk
"The Beauty of Christ Through Brokenness" by KP Yohannan
"Educating the Wholehearted Child" by Sally Clarkson
"A Family Budgeting Guide Family Financial Workbook" by Larry Burkett
"Love & Respect" by Emerson Eggerichs
"The Pilgrim's Progress A Modern Abridgment" by John Bunyan
"Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson
"Unshaken" by Dan Woolley
"The Mystery of God's Will" by Charles Swindoll

Last spring I was finishing up a Bible study on the life of Paul. Over the summer I studied a Woman of Faith study titled "A Life of Worship". In the fall my church's women's ministry covered Beth Moore's study on Daniel and we are now a few weeks from finishing her study on Esther. All very timely studies for me.

I also have some favorite music that I turn to for encouragement and worship:

"All I Ever Wanted" by Margaret Becker
"My Hope is in You" and "Mountain of God" by Third Day
"Bring the Rain" and "Only Temporary" by Mercy Me
"All Because of Jesus", "Voice of Truth", "Who Am I", "Your Love is Extravagant", "Lifesong", "Praise You in this Storm", "Father, Spirit, Jesus" by Casting Crowns
"Your Love Never Fails" by Jesus Culture
The awesome thing is that all these books, studies and songs have been just what I have needed as I have faced the biggest impact on my life - my husband's cancer diagnosis. The Lord is revealing Himself to me in mighty ways and I pray I will be forever changed by the things He is teaching me about Him and myself in Him.

I am learning that God's will is sovereign. He will have His way in our lives regardless of how much we try to control things. If we allow him to lead, all things will work out for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28).

I've also been learning about the idea of entitlement and that it has no place in the Christian's life. Entitlement is the idea that we deserve something or something is owed to us. There are very few things we actually NEED in life, and God promises to provide those (Matthew 6:25-34). When we begin to think we deserve things, then we are in danger of not allowing God to reign in our lives, but things. The more I have been learning to open up my hands and release things to God, the more content I have become because I view things as His provision for me. Whether it's something simple or extraordinary, I can praise Him for it because it's from Him and not from my own striving.

Ultimately, I am more confident in my faith in Christ than ever before. I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is truth. I believe that Christ lived a perfect, sinless life and chose willingly to die on the cross for the sins of man. I have put my trust in Him, admitting I am a sinner and seeking Him to be my Savior. I believe that He is going to return one day for His church - those who have put their trust in Him and call Him Savior - and we will spend eternity with Christ in heaven where there will be no more sorrow, pain or weeping. While I am waiting for that event, I desire to live my life in such a way that I will make an impact for Him in my sphere of influence. I guess you could say I am choosing to "live out loud" for Christ.

The next year will prove to be challenging as we face Dennis' cancer surgery, recovery, more chemotherapy and the adjustment of him going back to work after having a year off. In the fall I will be homeschooling both our kids. But in spite of the challenges, I am confident that God will supply all I need for each thing He has called me to do.

Here's my theme song for this next year:


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