Our Place in God's Eternal Plan

I remember feeling so much more relaxed and peaceful at this time. The anxiety we had been feeling regarding Dennis having chemotherapy was eased. We knew that we had to do what was necessary in order for Dennis to get well and that we could trust God to get him through. We were ready to get started. . .

October 24, 2010

It seems harder these days to find the time to sit down and share the latest developments with everyone. Let me try to fill you in with the outcome of last week’s appointments. We spent a great deal of time at UCI last Wednesday meeting with both the oncologist and radiologist. Here is the plan:

First Dennis will need to have a porta-cath inserted into his upper chest. This is currently scheduled to take place this coming Thursday morning. It is an outpatient procedure, but he will be put under anesthesia in order to place it. Dennis will then begin a 5 1/2 week treatment consisting of both chemotherapy and radiation. The chemotherapy will be given in a low dose to help sensitize the area for radiation. Every Monday he will first go to the infusion lab to have the chemotherapy pump inserted into the porta-cath. The chemotherapy will be given continuously for 24 hours; each pump will last 7 days. Following the visit to the infusion lab, he will then go to radiation to receive his treatment. This will take about 30 minutes. Tuesday through Friday he will only visit the radiation lab for treatment.

Dennis had decided to do his treatment at UCI; and after meeting with both doctors on Wednesday we both agree that this was the smart thing to do. The oncologist, radiologist and surgeon all know one another, are familiar with the treatment, and can communicate easily with one another. UCI is very current on the cancer research and has very up-to-date facilities. Even though it is a bit of a drive, we feel we are in good hands.
Following the 5 1/2 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation, Dennis will then have a 4-week break. Thankfully, this will fall around Christmas time when the kids are off school and we can just enjoy being home together.

After this break he will have 4 cycles of chemotherapy. He will go in on Monday again to have the pump connected to his porta-cath. This pump will last for three days; he will go back on Wednesday to have it removed. For 12 days, he will be off the chemotherapy. Then he will go back for the same thing. This will take place 4 times. Although he will only be connected to the pump for three days at a time, the chemotherapy will be in a higher dose and this is when he will likely begin to have the common side affects associated with chemotherapy.

These 4 cycles will end 21 weeks from the beginning of treatment (around the end of March or beginning of April depending on when we start). At this time he will have surgery to remove the affected area. Surgery will require Dennis to remain in the hospital for 5 days and he will have an additional 2-3 weeks of recovery at home.

Following surgery Dennis will likely need 1 or 2 more cycles of chemotherapy similar to the 4 cycles he had before surgery. This apparently will depend on the findings from the surgery.

Dennis has been off work since the beginning of October. Some days are better than others, but it has made a difference for him being home. He is able to rest when he needs to. We have made adjustments in his eating which is helping to prevent the abdominal pain that took him to the ER. Although Dennis is no longer in the classroom, he has continued planning for his classes at home and emails the substitute the weekly assignments. He enjoys staying connected with the ACA students and staff through Facebook and email.

In regards to Dennis being on disability, so far things have gone smoothly. We just received the first check from the state on Saturday. He will be able to apply for supplemental disability insurance through the school after being off work for 4 weeks. Dennis’ deductible has been met through the end of the year, so anything incurred through December 31 will be covered by insurance. A new deductible will begin January 1, 2011. We would ask for continued prayer for God to meet our needs.

I have again found that God has been faithful to bring things across our path to encourage us and keep us focused on Him. During Chapel at ACA several weeks ago, a DVD was shown with a message by Louie Giglio titled “How Great is Our God” (Look him up on Youtube). It was a perfect message for this season in our lives. He used scientific facts about the galaxies, planets and even the human body to remind the audience that we can trust God with the plan He has for our lives because He is the divine Creator. How can we not trust our lives with the One who created everything out of nothing? He “knit us together.” “He knows our inward parts.” 

In a homeschool magazine I recently started receiving there was an article about “appreciating our place in God’s eternal plan”. The writer used the story of Esther as a reminder that God has placed us where we are for a purpose. She asked the questions: “What am I to do with the time I’ve been given today? Who knows? Maybe I have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” She went on to write that God’s “success is not dependent on (us). It’s (our) success that is dependent upon Him.” It’s not our plans in life that matter, but God’s plans that will always prevail. “When you suddenly realize that God is asking you to do something, you have instant motivation to do it! The God of the Universe is summoning you. You don’t want to wait to answer that call! Coming face-to-face, or should I say ear-to-voice, with God changes your perspective. There’s no room for excuses. When God asks you to step out of your comfort zone, you know it’s something you should do. When we look at the challenge from the perspective of God’s capabilities rather than our own, we should experience peace and confidence. If you know God, you know it’s kind of a ridiculous question to ask what He can do. He made everything from nothing. We doubt our own abilities, but we need not doubt God’s. In order to do what God wants us to do, we must remember it is God’s ability that counts, and it’s His ability we must rely upon. What God has in mind for us may not be what we had planned. It may not be what anyone else in our lives had planned either, but God’s plan prevails. We must go with God. It is not our own strength that counts, but His, and His strength is unlimited. My focus needs to be not on “am I” but on “I Am,” the Great I Am. He’s got the whole world in His hands. What am I going to do with the time I’ve been given today? I’m going to stay close to the Lord and follow His plan. If I don’t know what His plan is, I’m going to get even closer to Him and follow where He leads, because He’s leading me somewhere. Wherever He’s going, that’s where I want to be. Whatever He’s doing, that’s what I want to do.”

My study in Daniel chapter 8 was also a reminder that “the point of our being here is for God to use us for His greatness.” Our lives “will be well lived and greatly influential if we simply ask God to empower us to do that for which we were created. Greatness belongs to our God.”

We don’t know why God has this plan for Dennis’ life, but we trust Him in it. Because He is the creator of the universe, and He holds all things in His hands, how can we not trust that He has our best interests at heart? We will rely on His strength and provision for our daily needs as we walk the road He has put us on. It continues to be our deepest desire is to reflect God’s greatness in our lives. We continue to pray and ask for His help in doing so.


  1. Stepping out of my comfort zone & all that (paragraph #12) really spoke to me today. I have found that so true sooo many times. I thank God for your gift of putting your thoughts & what you are learning in writing & sharing with all of us. I am so blessed! God's plan prevails...AMEN! Oh yeah & "'I AM' who 'I AM' has sent me to you!" always makes me think of the Veggie Tales movie, Mo and the Big Exit, heehee. Love that part :) Love you, praying hard for you & Dennis.


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