Our Troubles Will Soon be Over

Hope is a precious thing. If it wasn't for the promise of better things to come, life would easily become unbearable. God's word has been a valuable source of hope to us during this season. While this time was particularly difficult, we were resting in the hope that our troubles would soon be over, and that joy was to come. . .

December 11, 2010

Week 5 has come to an end. It was pretty rough for Dennis. Last weekend his cold began to overwhelm him; he developed a really bad sore throat along with the discomfort of his mouth sores and congestion. We got him in to see our family doctor on Tuesday. The doctor said he had developed a fungus in his mouth. He gave Dennis an antibiotic shot and two prescriptions for mouth rinses: one for the fungus and the other a pain reliever. He spent the rest of the week eating soft foods trying to find something that wasn’t too painful to swallow. He was also a lot more fatigued. His chemo nurse told him on Friday that this last week would be really tough as he would begin to feel especially fatigued. While honest, not all that encouraging! Earlier in the week I shared a paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 on Facebook.

“Never give up. Though the body's dying, the spirit is being renewed each day. Our present troubles are temporary, and yet they still produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don't focus on the troubles in front of us; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For our troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever!”

While this verse speaks to our eternal future, we can hold on to it now as a promise of better days ahead. We are counting down the days to next Friday; looking forward to giving Dennis’ body a break and having rest from the daily travels to UCI.

Another concern this past week were the medical bills we still had to pay as well as a couple new ones that had come. After a call to the insurance, we found out that we would be responsible for 20% of some “out of network” expenses. We are also still waiting for the supplemental disability insurance to be approved and sent out. Another challenge. But God proved to us again that we can “throw the whole weight of (our) anxieties upon Him, for (we) are His personal concern (1 Peter 5:7, Philips). He provided for our current needs as well as gave us some extra for future expenses. We continue to see that our times are in God’s hand (Psalm 31:14-15) and that He will lift us and carry us (Isaiah 63:9) in our time of need. “God’s timing is always on time.” (Bedside Blessings by Charles Swindoll)

We begin this last week a bit weary, a bit concerned about how Dennis will feel, but also joyful that we’ve made it through the first part of his treatment and that we will have a time of refreshment and restoration before the next phase begins. We continue to be grateful for the prayers being lifted on our behalf, the encouraging words, and the practical help coming our way.

Counting the days,


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